Words That Work – Val Wright

S4TM val wright

In her easily digestible short book published this year, Val Wright, innovation and leadership consultant for LinkedIn, Starbucks, Microsoft et al, unpacks the strategies, tools and language of CEOs who know how to say ‘the right thing, at the right time’, and calls on business leaders to challenge traditional means of communication. This super-helpful book […]

5 ways to optimise your Brand Marketing

Hannibal strategy S4TM

Brand management and brand communications are typically misunderstood by most businesses. Here are 5 key pointers to consider as you make your brand communication plans. 1. Market Orientation It’s a common error, and and easy habit to fall into. When we work within a business, we ‘assume’ lots of things. We assume that our customers […]

Ignore The UK Government’s Advice

Never stop marketing

As reported by the BBC, in these times of increased living costs, the UK Government is urging businesses to pass on as few of their increased operational expenses as possible to their customers. To help achieve this, “reducing a company’s marketing budget” has been singled out as one way that businesses can reduce operational costs. […]

The 1-Page Marketing Plan – Allan Dib

Allan Dib - The 1-Page Marketing Plan - Shoot 4 The Moon Ltd

STOP PRESS: Since writing this, Allan Dib has been in touch and kindly offered a free digital version of his book for you to download here. Grab your copy now – it won’t disappoint. I love getting granular with marketing, especially around strategy and planning and then also around the practical and creative executions of […]

Quantum Marketing – Raja Rajamannar

Quantum Marketing - Raja Rajamannar

“Mastering The New Marketing Mindset for Tomorrow’s Consumers”. Raja is the award winning Chief Marketing and Communications Officer for Mastercard, has been voted Global Marketer of the year, nominated as one of Forbes’ Most Influential CMOs and elected as the President of the World Federation of Advertisers. Reading his appraisal of marketing in 2022 is highly […]

5 Reasons Why Product Launches Fail

5 Reasons Why Product Launches Fail: Shoot 4 The Moon Ltd

According to one recent Harvard report 70% of new product launches fail. According to another it is as high as 95%. Considering that there are many products that must launch and fail but that never get reported, the number is surely even higher.  What can be done to minimise the chances of a a product […]

Principles – Ray Dalio

Ray Dalio founded Bridgewater, the massively successful investment management firm in 1975.  His book ‘Principles’ was published in 2017 – so when I grabbed it off the shelf in London’s Foyle’s bookshop, I realised that I am decidedly late to the party. But I believe that this book is so good it deserves a review […]

Marketing is dead. Long live Positioning.

positioning s4tm

When I begin work to help to optimise marketing for my clients, I like to manage their expectations. My approach to marketing is holistic. Positioning: I explain that in order to get truly great marketing results (that raise brand awareness and drive sales), we will need to work on their business’ “positioning”. It’s a subtle […]

3…2…1… ready to launch your new product?

With these 4 essential stages to product launch marketing, you’ll minimise the risk of failure. Launch marketing is all about clarity and planning Whether my clients are global brands introducing a new product or solo consultants rolling out new services – the process of preparing for a great launch boils down to the same 4 […]

The Return of an Icon: How I helped to re-launch Rhodes and the new MK8 piano.

To say that being appointed as ‘outsourced marketing director’ to curate the re-launch of the legacy brand, Rhodes, was ‘an honour’ is an understatement. It’s hard to overstate how important the Rhodes electric piano has been to the history of contemporary popular music. 2021 saw the launch of the MK8, a ground-up redesign of the […]