The 1-Page Marketing Plan – Allan Dib

Allan Dib - The 1-Page Marketing Plan - Shoot 4 The Moon Ltd

The 1-Page Marketing Plan – Allan Dib

Allan Dib - The 1-Page Marketing Plan - Shoot 4 The Moon Ltd

STOP PRESS: Since writing this, Allan Dib has been in touch and kindly offered a free digital version of his book for you to download here. Grab your copy now – it won’t disappoint.

I love getting granular with marketing, especially around strategy and planning and then also around the practical and creative executions of marketing initiatives. 

However, there are times when it serves just as well to zoom out – to take a ‘helicopter view’ of the whole caboodle. 

That is where Allan Dib’s ‘1-Page Marketing Plan’ comes in. His 1-Page Marketing Plan canvas itself is a fantastic jump off point for any marketing mission.

The 1-Page Marketing Canvas - Allan Dib

Not that Allan scrimps on detail: his book supports the canvas with step-by-step explanation of each stage of Allan’s structured marketing plan. The book is easy to digest, and should take most people no more than a day to read.

Simply dividing any campaign into: ‘Before”, “During” and “After”, Allan unpacks the value of great planning for any business – no matter what the size. Backed by a myriad of examples, Allan explains the value of “over-delivering” to your customers and the essential need to monitor all of the metrics to ensure your marketing is a success.

If you’re just getting your head around what is needed to deliver great marketing, or are deeply entrenched in a marketing team and wondering “what’s the point of this all?” – this book is for you. Clear. Concise. Easy to apply to any marketing mission. Recommended.

Head over to Allan’s site for further resources.

Audit Your Product Launch Plans Shoot 4 The Moon Ltd Tim Healey


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