Sustainable films for a more sustainable world

Director Mark Downes’ THE GREEN EYED MONSTER film and animation company brings together a wealth of multi-disciplined talent to deliver engaging and finely crafted films with one goal in mind: to build a much equitable, greener and sustainable future.

GEM only choose to work with brands and organisations that have sustainability as part of their DNA. “Our mission is to get their message out there – Why? Because it’s our message too. We draw on a wide network of very talented strategists, directors, producers and technicians who have an incredible understanding of storytelling”, says Mark.

Their sustainability message starts with the film productions themselves. Each Head of Department on a shoot is responsible for his team being aware of and responsible for sustainable practises, ensuring each production minimises its environmental impact.

Having worked with a smorgasbord of global brands you can explore the GEM ,,showreel here.